Friday, April 17, 2009

Week 7

Tagging seems to have advantages of increasing the organization of information by using familar, easy terms to describe the information (such as bookmarks). In looking through the Pollak Library's delicious account it was easy to browse several websites related to one topic quickly. It was nice to be able to click on one of the tags and find relevant information with ease. Tags appear to have the ability to group together library tools/services using simple terms. However, as more and more tagging takes place it seems that it would be necessary to have some consistency in the terms used for tags if they are to be used by large groups of library patrons. Having tags that are understandable for the users will be essential for tags to be effective for any library tools/services. My favorite example of how a seemingly common library term can be misunderstood is when I had a patron list a telephone number on a form that was asking for "call number."

Here is the link for my delicious account:

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